Monday, April 24, 2023

In re Virgin Orbit Holdings, Inc. April 5, 2023 bankruptcy court hearing audio recording

Here is a link to the publicly available hearing audio posted to the bankruptcy court docket:

Bed Bath & Beyond email of Sunday morning to its customers with news the company has filed chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings...

 ---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Bed Bath & Beyond <BedBath&>
Date: Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Subject: Important Update from Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.

buybuy Baby®

To Our Valued Customers:

Earlier today, Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. filed for voluntary Chapter 11 protection.

We appreciate that our customers have trusted us through the most important milestones in their lives – from going to college, to getting married, to settling into a new home, to having a baby – and we wanted to reach out to you to explain what this means.

Our stores are open and serving customers. However, we have initiated a process to wind down operations.
What This Means for Our Customers

We wanted to make you aware that several of our programs and policies may be changing soon. As of today:

• We expect to process returns and exchanges in accordance with our usual policies until May 24, 2023, for items purchased prior to April 23, 2023

• We expect Gift Cards, Gift Certificates, and Loyalty Certificates will be accepted through May 8, 2023

• We will no longer accept coupons or Welcome Rewards+ discounts beginning April 26, 2023

• We expect all in-stock orders placed online both prior and after our bankruptcy filing to be fulfilled at this time
Your registry data is safe. You can still view your registry at this time. We expect to partner with an alternative platform where you will be able to transfer your data and complete your registry. We will provide details in the coming days.

We Are Here for You
For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and additional information, please visit Stakeholders with questions can email or call at (833) 570-5355 or (646) 440-4806 if calling from outside the U.S. or Canada.

Thank you for your loyalty and support.

Bed Bath & Beyond | buybuy BABY

Watch the interview of Sam Bankman-Fried by Tucker Carlson #SBF #FreeSBF #crypto

Link to the very interesting interview on YouTube: